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Life improvement of blind people by means of NEW Special Sports.
These Sports are intended for the Life improvement of blind, deaf, and deaf-blind people, Including people with impaired vision and must be considered as Unique Rehabilitation programme.
It is elaborated the following Sports:
Synchronous motions in the space blindfold.
This is a pair sport, where one athlete is leader and second one is follower. The leader standing behind the back of follower makes free motions. The task of the follower is exactly to repeat them.
Note: the follower does not see the leader, and also his movements do not accompany with sounds. Any defining by the trainer music can be presented as background.
Football, volleyball, basketball and so blindfold.
Two teams by four blind (or just blindfolded) players each (one of them is goalkeeper) play on a hockey size field. By means of new training method athletes acquire a possibility of sensitivity of surrounding objects, in this case of the ball, gate and each other. The task of the field players is to define the ball's localization and forwarding it to the gate. The task of goalkeepers is to catch the ball.
Note: the ball does not ring. Musical background and commentaries through loudspeaker are reasonable.
Orientation in the space blindfold (like "Sport orienteering but with
eyes closed).
Trainings and competitions can be conducted in a sport hall, on a stadium, and also in field and forest conditions. The task of athlete is to find a hidden object or place.
Rounding of obstacles. ("Bat").
In a sport hall or anywhere else it must be created artificial obstacles. The task of athlete is to go all them round.
It develops an ability to prevent any dangers, that allows to provide more favorable life's conditions to people disabled in vision.
The following of an invisible information trail.
This is a pair Sport too. The leader walks along a free chosen by him way and leaves in the space his information trail. The task of a blind (or just blindfolded) athlete is to follow this trail as exactly as possible. The competitions or drills can conduct in a sporthall or in any field conditions.
Also the Program allows to get a number uf unique decisions in the Track and Field for the blinds and other Sports.
So I suggest them to be involved in the world sport life for the disabled people. This is a real Breakthrough in the whole sport science.
I am looking for any assistance to realize these Unique Programs in the Life.
Thank You in advance.
If You feel You can help me to create a
in Moscow, Russia, please click here:
Tel/fax: 7 095 9152360 bursaab@orc.ru
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